Why I write.

Sundeep Singh
3 min readJan 10, 2021

A short piece on why I started to blog and an index of the pieces I have written.

Sharing through words…

Sharing my ideas and knowledge is something I find fulfilling, especially if it means others can take some value from it. If what I write inspires others, I’m happy, but it alao helps me articulate and strengthen my own clarity of thoughts. I write with the intention from my own practical experiences and theoretical knowledge, not as an academic. I write to allow my thinking and approaches to be challenged, welcoming diversity of thought and debate, to help me learn and improve.

Over the last few years, I’ve taken the time to write more frequently. I’m still a novice and balancing writing with a full time job is always a struggle to find the time to dedicate, but I have found it to be an enjoyable process of improving this skill, that I once looked to others and thought I’d like to try this but never did.

Writing lets me to express myself, whether it’s my current thinking of a topic in the field I work in, usually through something that’s inspired me to think creatively, tell a story, or research something to understand it in greater detail. Usually, it starts with an idea (or many!) that I’ll put down on paper or post-it notes, which over time end up forming as a puzzle of information that I slowly work through, to try and produce into something that makes some sense.

I’ve found that its allowed me to connect with people I might have not have done, who may have read something I wrote, on here, LinkedIn, or the articles listed below.

Blogs and things…

Below are some of my other pieces (blogs, articles and slide packs) that I have written for the below organisations that I will continue to add to in future as opportunities allow.


Service Desk Institute


Medium Stories



Sundeep Singh

Thoughts of an IT service manager living in a Digital 🌎